About Me

James was raised with a belief and commitment to community and public service. This is what led James to join the Canadian Navy. Realizing he could do more while serving, he applied for and succeeded in the selection process for JTF-2, Canada’s most elite Special Forces unit. Throughout his military career, he served in multiple theatres over his 15-year career, including as a commander for Canadian special forces in Afghanistan. This level of dedication to Canada however was not ideal to having a ‘normal’ family life with a young family.
With a wonderful and supportive family, James completed his MBA after his final tour in the military, and settled down into civilian life first in Vancouver; before finally settling in beautiful Quispamsis. Since arriving in New Brunswick, James has quickly become involved in work within the community. This has involved volunteer efforts around youth leadership development, humanitarian work focused on child poverty, and supporting local political efforts.James’ interest in politics goes much further than the obvious defence, foreign affairs, and veterans affairs portfolios. As a parent the same age as Pierre Pollierve, James is passionate about fixing housing affordability for the next generation of Canadians, crime and bail reform, mental health and addiction issues, as well the Liberal government’s best attempts to tax working class and retired Canadians into poverty and food insecurity.
With enough youth and energy to represent Saint John - Kennebecasis for several terms, James is seeking to again contribute to public service. His ability to empathize with and hear people regardless of their backgrounds and perspectives, to speak publicly on important issues, and maintain principles that have served him and Canada well, would make him a fantastic candidate for the Conservative Party; but the choice isn’t his. He stands ready to serve his country, this time not in uniform but in Ottawa confronting the last nine years of Canada’s decline under Justin Trudeau, Christia Freeland, and the rest of the Liberal government. Will you stand with him?